Challenge problem: Fearless extensibility

By avatar J. Ryan Stinnett

Over on the community forum, we’re trying out a new activity called a “challenge problem” where we focus on a theme for several months through submissions that may take various different forms. It’s like a hybrid between a virtual workshop and a game jam.

For our first challenge problem, the theme is “fearless extensibility”. Why “fearless”…? Allowing extension authors complete freedom to change all aspects of a system may seem like a malleable path to take, but it carries with it maintenance and security headaches. How can we achieve powerful extensibility to configure systems to meet our individual needs while also reducing security and maintainability risks?

If this sounds interesting to you, please see the challenge problem thread for additional context and submission details. Submissions are due on 2024-11-01.

We welcome your feedback by email.
Tags: Challenge problems Forum